Sea of Thieves, le nouveau Rare (One)

Démarré par Hobes, Octobre 22, 2014, 01:29:17 PM

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Hâte d'en voir plus dans quelques jours moussaillon.


Je comprend pas ton enthousiasme pour se jeu.
Je trouve la DA on ne peu plus générique, genre Batleborne.
Pas que se soit moche, mais c'est loin d'être magnifique ou original.

OK, c'est marque RARE dessus, mais bon c'est plus vraiment RARE non plus.


Le game designer est Gregg Mayles à qui l'on doit Donkey Kong Country, Banjo-Kazooie...

La bande son est de Robin Beanland, compositeur (avec David Wise) de Donkey Kong Country, Conker, GoldenEye...

cf le podcast ou j'avais parlé du sort de Rare : on parle d'un studio de 200 employés, s'il y a eu quelques départs ça n'enlève rien à leur savoir faire.


Mais Microsoft avait pas prévu de fermer Rare aussi?
Sinon je trouve la DA bien plus intéressante que celle de Wonderboy et Bloodstained :rideau:
Le trailer avec la musique m'avait envouté.


Le seul jeu sur XBO que j'attends encore. Tellement envie qu'il soit bon, et de naviguer en écoutant du Dropkick Murphys :sayan:


Toujours pas accès à l'alpha, du coup je me contente des messages de vils pirates enthousiastes :

Citation'twas a dark and stormy night! The ship was rising and falling on the waves, white spray scudding across the surface, splashing at the bow of the ship. The night sky aglow with the aurora borealis, fringing the white full moon and the North Star twinkling down as if nothing were amiss.

The glow of the lantern, held by a crewmate to light the compass at the wheel, was comforting. All was silent except for the slap of the water and the creak of the hull. The ship was responding well, sails billowing full of wind, pushing us onwards, the crew responding smartly to any change in wind direction or course, speed was of the utmost importance, our goal? Treasure. The seas were treacherous, full of rocks and outcrops......we'd be thrown far off course on those unless we took care.

We'd come across an old map - it clearly showed the location of some lost pirate X marking the spot....but what island? This was the question. We slipped below decks to examine the ship's map, turning and looking closely to determine the shape of the island, the features that would lead us to the right location. A decision was made, the helmsman turned a new course, sails trimmed and obstacles avoided we approached our target!

All seemed quiet. Some savvy steering by the helmsman put us alongside the beach. Equipping shovels and weaponry, we headed inland, the water warm for swimming....the sun shining down..scorching our backs. We wound our way through the undergrowth, checking a compass, looking for landmarks...was it here? Was it there? Which way? Shovels at the ready we started to dig...and then the welcome 'thud' of metal on wood. We'd found it! A chest revealed itself....iron bound, mighty loot in this one, but any gold is welcome when yer piratin'.

Suddenly we were alerted to the sounds of voices...coming from the other side of the island. Swiftly we ran to the top of the cliff and lo and behold another ship! Scallywags come to steal our treasure! We fired on them from our hiding place...they returned cannon fire! Battle commenced! Their crew leapt to our positions, guns ablaze....we dodged! Leaping and running, hiding....scurrying...we changed positions to avoid the booming shots! And then their ambitions became clear! They were sailing around the island to where our beautiful galleon was moored! Their cannons boomed again... and again...we couldn't reach her in time and she sank slowly to the bottom of the sea, treasure and all. Then they sailed off..cheering and singing, instruments playing...into the foggy Seas.

Luckily for us....not one was sent to the Ferry. A friendly mermaid arose from the depths...torch glowing...beckoning us...with promises of a new ship and riches untold. We were soon underway again...with a new reclaim our treasure!