, sécurité de nos données compromises

Démarré par Hobes, Août 10, 2012, 12:32:26 AM

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A l'instant :

CitationEven when you are in the business of fun, not every week ends up being fun. This week, our security team found an unauthorized and illegal access into our internal network here at Blizzard. We quickly took steps to close off this access and began working with law enforcement and security experts to investigate what happened.

At this time, we've found no evidence that financial information such as credit cards, billing addresses, or real names were compromised. Our investigation is ongoing, but so far nothing suggests that these pieces of information have been accessed.

Some data was illegally accessed, including a list of email addresses for global users, outside of China. For players on North American servers (which generally includes players from North America, Latin America, Australia, New Zealand, and Southeast Asia) the answer to the personal security question, and information relating to Mobile and Dial-In Authenticators were also accessed. Based on what we currently know, this information alone is NOT enough for anyone to gain access to accounts.

Même chose que Sony. Je suis...ünchhausen

Et comme il y'a quelque mois avec Steam, tout le monde s'en fout.


Mais si. Pour le coup les américains (car ils sont les plus touchés) sont très alarmistes là dessus. Faut dire que ça leur donne l'occasion de cracher un peu plus sur Diablo 3, ce qu'est un peu devenu une mode ces temps ci...


Oui enfin quand t'as forcé tout le monde à se créer un compte en ligne pour un jeu qui n'en avait que partiellement besoin, et que derrière tu protèges pas les données... tu mérites de te faire chier dessus jusqu'à ce que tu puisses remplir une piscine.
